Set up device - advanced topics

Access the device through SSH

This section shows how to setup and log in to a device through Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) to run command-line operations in AXIS OS.

Enable SSH

SSH is by default disabled on Axis devices, but can be enabled either through the device’s web interface or by calling a VAPIX API from command-line.

Through new web interface

  1. Go to
  2. Select the Network group from the drop-down menu
  3. Under Network / SSH select Enabled
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click button Save

Through old web interface

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Network in the list
  3. Under SSH select Enabled
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click button Save

Through command-line

This is exemplified using curl:

More options may be required depending on your network setup.

curl \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  --anyauth \

Create an SSH user

  • Prior to AXIS OS 11.5 it’s only possible to SSH as root user.
  • From AXIS OS 11.5 it’s possible to create a non-root SSH user.
  • Starting from AXIS OS 11.11, an ACAP application user can get SSH access by enabling Developer Mode.
  • After AXIS OS 12.0 it will not be possible to SSH to an Axis device as root user.

Through web interface

  1. Go to the following URL:
    • AXIS OS < 11.6
    • AXIS OS >= 11.6
  2. Find the field on the web page called:
    • AXIS OS < 11.6 SSH users
    • AXIS OS >= 11.6 SSH accounts
  3. Click the + icon with text Add SSH user
  4. Follow the instructions in the dialog to create an SSH user.

Connect to the device

To connect to the Axis device through SSH, it’s required to install a program that can communicate via SSH. This will be exemplified using ssh and a non-root SSH user called my-ssh-user.

The SSH user needs to be created on the device before connecting to the device, see Create an SSH user.

ssh my-ssh-user@

Developer Mode

Developer Mode is a feature introduced in AXIS OS 11.11 that grants SSH access to an ACAP application’s dynamic user on an Axis device. When Developer Mode is enabled, the ACAP application’s dynamic user is added to the ssh group.

To enable Developer Mode on Axis devices running AXIS OS 11.11 or later, install the axis-unlock-acap-devmode Custom Firmware Certificate (CFC) on the Axis device.

Get the Custom Firmware Certificate (CFC)

To enable Developer Mode on your Axis devices, you need to obtain a unique CFC for each individual unit. Axis partners are able to request a CFC through a web service accessible at CFC Portal.

  • If not already logged in to your MyAxis account you will be redirected to a log in page during the verification step.

To request a CFC, you will need to provide information about your device. This information can be retrieved either by calling VAPIX APIs or by using the device web interface, and is explained in the sections below.

Once you have gathered this information, you will be able to submit a request for a CFC through the web service. If the request is successful, you will receive a file ending with the suffix .fcr, which is the actual certificate file you will need to install on your device.


  1. Use the basicdeviceinfo API to retrieve:
    • SerialNumber: The serial number of the device.
    • Soc: The name of the device’s SoC (System-on-Chip), e.g., artpec-7, artpec-8, ambarella-cv25, etc.
    • SocSerialNumber: The unique identifier of the SoC, also referred to as Processor Serial Number.
  2. Use the OAK API to retrieve the Owner Authentication Key (OAK).

Using the device web interface

  1. Navigate to the device’s plain configuration page, typically at
  2. Search for the SerialNumber and Soc values.
  3. To get the OAK, navigate to the device’s network configuration page, typically at
  4. Scroll down to the Owner authentication key (OAK) section and press the Get key button.

Install the CFC on your device

  1. Navigate to the device’s security configuration page, typically at
  2. Scroll down to the Custom Signed Firmware Certificate section.
  3. If axis-unlock-acap-devmode is not already installed, install it via the Install button.

Verify Developer Mode is enabled

When Developer Mode is enabled on your device an SSH account will automatically be created whenever an ACAP application is installed.

After installing an ACAP application, verify that a new SSH account is added by:

  1. Navigate to the device’s accounts configuration page, typically at
  2. Scroll down to the SSH accounts section.
  3. Verify that the Enable SSH switch is enabled.
  4. Find the ACAP application user (named acap-<appName>).
  5. To enable SSH access for the ACAP application user:
    • Set a password for it by pressing the three dots to the right and choosing Update SSH account. Setting the password is needed for SSH access.

Note After updating your ACAP application, you might need to set the SSH password for the ACAP user again. Important If the ACAP account is not present after installing your ACAP you might have to restart the device and then reinstall the ACAP application. Restarting the device can be done via the web interface in Maintenance → Restart.

Disable Developer Mode

  1. Navigate to the device’s security configuration page, typically at
  2. Scroll down to the Custom Signed Firmware Certificate section.
  3. axis-unlock-acap-devmode will be listed as one of the Installed certificates. Press the three dots to the right of the certificate and choose Delete certificate.
  4. Additionally, the device needs to be factory defaulted after removing the certificate for developer mode to be disabled.
    • Navigate to the device’s maintenance page, typically at
    • In the Factory default section press the Default button followed by Restore all in the popup frame.

To verify that developer mode is no longer active, one way is to install an ACAP application and verify that no new ACAP SSH user is added.

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